Friday, May 18, 2007

Making a cup of rea! ganghu dê 功夫茶 gong1fu5cha2

In standard Chinese we say pao4 cha2 泡茶. Pao4 cha2 means to steep or soak tea leaves – obviously in hot water. However, in Chaoshan hua we say cong1 dê5  沖茶 Where cong1 means "within a dash". In gongfu cha, that is actually what we do – the boiling water is poured unto the tea leaves and the tea is decanted within a ‘dash’! In English slang, a dash is a very short while like a minute. Another meaning of cong1 dê5 [a Chaoshan hua phrase] is to pour boiling water from a height over the tea leaves. It should be said as gao1 cong1 高. Cong1 dê5 in standard Chinese is zhong1 cha2. In Chaoshan tradition, we pour hot water over the tea leaves and within a minute we decant the tea completely and not allowing the tea leaves to be soaking in the hot water and be over brewed. For other Chinese, they brew tea or pao4 cha2 and allowing the tea leaves to sit in hot water for sometime before decanting the whole tea pot. 

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